Gospel Music Africa Foundation, popularly referred to as GMA Foundation, is a humanitarian, non-profit, non-governmental, Civil Society organization created from a passion to help build a sustainable Gender-balanced future for Africa through systemic social re-engineering, and the eradication of illiteracy and poverty from Africa through educating and training children and youth of the poor and underserved.

We believe that the biggest challenge facing democracy, good governance and accountability in Africa today, is the existence of a ‘COMPLAISANT’ youth electorate, therefore until we understand how important the youth are in the development and sustenance of any Nation, only then would we understand how important it is to invest in educating, informing and empowering them, which will result in having an intelligent electorate able to make holistic decision in all spheres of life.

If we must re-engineer social  norms and challenge structures on a larger scale, young people (female and Male) must actively participate in the decision and policy making processes of their nation.


A world where every child and young adult has access to quality education and platforms to explore their creative potentials


  • To create a sustainable future for Africa through education of children of the poor and underserved.
  • To harness music and media skills for personal and economic development through training and coaching for talented youths and less privileged children
  • To research and advocate for policies that will help protect and make better the lives of the girl-child, children and youth of the poor and underserved.
  • To provide favourable livelihood for children of the less privileged through skill acquisition trainings and workshops.
  • To equip widows with capital and coaching for starting and running success businesses.


Other than an innate structure that ensures the foundation works with integrity, we are, owing to our growing partnerships and the very work that we do for communities, stakeholders on our programs/projects, researches, partnership involvements as well as organizational and financial audits. In the execution of our programs and projects, we strictly adhere to a non-discriminations policy that ensures we reach people of every gender, tribe, religion and political affiliation.


Over the years, working in humanitarian and policy making organizations and agencies, i have come face to face with great prevalence of illiteracy and sheer poverty in which majority of Africans live. I am strongly convinced that the budding flower of Africa’s economic development has not blossomed as a result of three main factors, namely: Illiteracy, non-exploration of Africa’s creative potentials, and a weak advocacy voice to speak up for the rights of the poor and underserved.

Gospel Music Africa Foundation is borne out of the passion that has grown in our heart overtime to help secure a sustainable future for the African child by ensuring that children of less privileged backgrounds and those in vulnerable groups have free access to quality education. It is our belief and pursuit that an educated continent is a prosperous continent, and in these children lie either a marred or a blissful future for Africa. Therefore, through educational scholarships and interventions,we strive,to helop create a future for the children we now see in our streets will not be forced into vices because of poverty, but armed with knowledge to build Africa’s immense economic, moral and cultural wealth

With strong faith in the tremendous opportunities that abound in the African market,GMA Foundation provides skill acquisitiontrainings, business coaching and capital provision for widows to learn various skills they can use not only to earn a livelihood , but also to grow the world's economy.

We work with persistence and dogged optimism to achieve the UN's SDG goals of No Poverty, Zero Hunger, Good Health and Wellbeing, Quality Education, Decent Work and Economic Growth, we will continue to explore credible partnership and advocacy channels to ensure maximum success and a lasting impact.


Chuks Omoji

Operations (Togo)


Visual Design

Raymond Cosmas

Tech and Research



Delight Ubangha

admin & finance






Matthew Obono President/Founder
Bernard Inah (Secretary)
Mrs. Rita Amuchienwa Director
Christiana Erekosima Board Member

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